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Reimagining security and productivity with Zendesk and AWS AppFabric

Most businesses rely on a host of SaaS applications to keep their operations running—but those services often fail to work together smoothly. AWS AppFabric and Zendesk aim to fix that problem.

By Pablo Kenney, Vice President, Product at Zendesk

Last updated April 27, 2024

Many businesses rely on Zendesk to manage their customer conversations and create satisfying service experiences. Unfortunately, those experiences can get quite complicated the moment you leave the Zendesk application.

That's because businesses depend on numerous SaaS applications to keep operations running smoothly, and those applications don't always work well together despite most being built on a common cloud service, Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Pulling data from multiple SaaS applications can be a tedious, time-consuming experience. Because many of those programs aren’t built on the same foundation, the result is a lack of coherence and consistency across reports. Meanwhile, with data protection being a major concern, IT administrators need to balance the need for more efficient reporting with security.

AWS AppFabric enables businesses to manage data across apps and access audit logs in a standardised, common language.

That’s where AWS AppFabric comes into play. It enables businesses to manage data across apps and access audit logs in a standardised, common language. Zendesk, which is built on AWS and serves as an AWS Advanced Technology Partner, is integrated with AWS AppFabric.

Together, this relationship strengthens Zendesk’s dedication to empowering businesses to create superior customer experiences while utilising the unified foundation of AWS, the backbone of accessible and secure services.

Zendesk and AWS AppFabric

AppFabric makes it easy to query information across apps. Administrators can effortlessly pull in data from different apps and manage user permissions. And with pre-built connections to tools like Zendesk, integration is seamless.

  • Keep all of your SaaS applications connected

    AppFabric quickly connects purpose-built SaaS applications, providing a seamless integration option and facilitating communication between apps while prioritising the user experience.
  • Maintain top-notch security

    Application data is automatically normalised into a standard schema, enabling administrators to set common policies and standardise security alerts in their preferred tool, while also managing user access across multiple applications.
  • Enhance productivity

    Because AppFabric quickly connects SasS applications, employees can get answers quickly, automate repetitive tasks, and generate insights across SaaS applications, including Zendesk.

AWS AppFabric and Zendesk’s collaboration

Find out more about how you can boost security and productivity with AWS AppFabric.