You can’t expect me to believe that

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We didn’t. But it did get you here—because absurd headlines and fake expertise reels people in all the time. It happens in all industries (just ask the National Enquirer how they’ve stayed in business all these years), but has been especially prominent in tech lately.

Let's start from the beginning

Hi, nice to meet you.
We're Zendesk.

You may have heard of us, because according to tech, we’re old geezers (we’ve been around since 2011—talk about over the hill) but in the case of customer experience, our age isn’t just a number—it’s valuable wisdom that we’re able to offer. We were a start up, and now we’re not. That means that if you’re a start up, we’ve got the knowledge on how to approach your business needs—and what lies ahead. And if you’re not a start up, that’s great too. Because we’ve got one thing that the other guys lack: vision. Not to mention a few other things, like, oh, we don’t know, a product roadmap, investments, people on the ground, and committed founders whose whole philosophy centers around how to help you build better relationships with your customers.

While new companies have come (and changed their names, and gone), you can count on ours to be a reliable partner. Our vision for the future means that your business is safe, supported, and not just talking a big game—because we’ve actually been playing it for a lot longer.

We know dealing with customers is one of the hardest parts of being in business, which is why our products are designed to help agents be more effective and productive in serving them. Our goal as a company has always been to design software for people—and we’re pretty darn good at it.

Check out our track record

All of this to say: don’t believe everything you hear, read, or see. Fake news and fleeting companies are everywhere. When it comes to your business, we know your customers, and we’re here for you—you’d better believe it.