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8 min read

The startup psychologist: It’s easy to bake your issues into your company

The entrepreneurial journey can be lonely, all-consuming, fraught with failure, and devastating to relationships. All the…

4 min read

One-minute meditations to help you reset

It always sounds lame when someone tells you to deal with stress by taking a few…

7 min read

Is it time to redefine wellness in the workplace?

Visit any number of tech, advertising or consulting companies at lunchtime and you’ll witness the impact…

8 min read

Should you hire for potential and attitude, or experience?

Hiring can be an exciting yet challenging task. On one hand, hiring typically signifies expansion and…

17 min read

Tackling difficult topics head on: A conversation with Amy Gallo

The author of the HBR Guide to Dealing with Conflict and a contributing editor at Harvard…

9 min read

Navigating the 7 stages of the vendor relationship

Our business relationships—the partnerships that help our businesses grow—can be a lot like our personal ones.…

11 min read

4 ways customer support agents can make a career pivot

Recently, while watching old episodes of The Office, I was reminded of the root basis of…

6 min read

Changing the narrative on careers in customer service

Customer service jobs have a reputation for being entry-level, means-to-an-end gigs that go nowhere. But in…

6 min read

Take it from Zappos—holiday hiring is everything

Though it’s only September, many companies are already deep into preparation for the upcoming holiday season.…

Meet us at the top

Read the Zendesk Customer Experience Trends Report.

7 min read

Why high-HQ companies welcome back boomerang employees

Early in my career, I left a role to work for a competitor. It was my…

7 min read

How to keep remote employees from feeling out of sight, out of mind

It’s no secret that the workplace of today looks dramatically different than it did a decade…

6 min read

How to tell someone they're wrong without pissing them off

Whether you’re a freelancer, CEO, or clocking a 9-to-5 role, we’ve all been in those meetings…

Make yourself heard

Join the Zendesk Experience Research Panel and help shape the future of our products.

12 min read

Harness the power of parenting at work

Returning to work for new mom Serena Williams meant hitting the tennis court for the French…

8 min read

The weight of emotional labor in the workplace

Nearly a year ago, Gemma Hartley shook the Internet with her article, “Women aren’t nags—We’re just…

5 min read

How to elevate others at work

We all know one or two people like this at work. They walk in and—shazam—the room…

11 min read

Icebreaker alternatives for people who hate icebreakers

“Today is all about getting to know each other, building relationships, and finding out even more…

8 min read

What to expect from Millennials as managers

By 2025, 75 percent of the workforce will be Millennials. And they won’t be filling entry-level…

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