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Agent tips

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5 min read

4 tips for springboarding from Tier 1 support

See how Leah Guest used her training ground in Tier 1 support as a jumping-off point for her current position as a Voice of the Customer Platform Coordinator at Zendesk

4 min read

Innovate, explore and onboard with a sandbox

Developers have been playing in sandboxes since the '70s. Then and now, these controlled computing environments allow them to work free of real-world ramifications.

2 min read

How to structure product support

Preparing agents and triaging tickets are especially important when it comes to structuring product support

3 min read

Enhancing the agent experience with contextual workspaces

Support agents don't benefit from clunky interfaces or confusing processes - to ensure that agents have everything they need at the right time, they need a contextual workspace

4 min read

Let the robots have those jobs—the evolving AI-agent relationship

AI-supported automations can have a huge impact on your agents. Here are some things to keep in mind as you implement new workflows and leverage technology for increased productivity and agent satisfaction.

5 min read

Every ticket is a puzzle: One advocate’s drive to solve them

Carl McDowell is a Tier 2 Technical Support Engineer at Zendesk in Melbourne. In this interview, he talks about life as a Talk Product Champion.

6 min read

Using a smart knowledge base to unlock agent potential

Arm your agents with a smart knowledge base to help them become more efficient, more effective, and enjoy higher levels of satisfaction

2 min read

6 steps towards developing a customer support career path

As with any profession, a customer support career path can movie in many different directions

1 min read

Three things to keep in mind when recruiting customer service agents

Here are some key activities for everyone involved in the process to make sure you’re effectively recruiting customer service agents

5 min read

When is it best to use chatbots vs. humans for customer service?

A common misconception is that chatbots are intended to solve 100% of problems and completely replace human agents. This is not the case.

2 min read

What to consider before you offer global support training

Global support training, when done correctly, can ensure you continue to provide great support as you expand to new regions

5 min read

5 benefits of using Zoom for remote customer support

Provide more in-depth and personalized remote support with Zoom and Zendesk integrations.

Meet us at the top

Read the Zendesk Customer Experience Trends Report.

5 min read

Stairway to success: How to grow in your support role

Agent turnover can be a real problem for support teams worldwide. Manila-based Tier 2 agent Esperanza "Zsa" Trias shares her tips on charting a career path in customer service.

4 min read

Agents need cross-channel communication

Here's why omnichannel support for agents and customers is a necessity

3 min read

Collaborate across your ecosystem with Side Conversations

Getting the right information to or from the right people in a large organization is easier said than done. True collaboration can then sometimes seem like a pipe dream. Enter Side Conversations, part of the Collaboration add-on for Zendesk Support designed to save time and streamline internal operations.

9 min read

The four C’s of cherry-picking

With cherry-picking, rather than choosing the next available request your agent chooses one they’d rather work on

4 min read

The key to great service? Saying “I don’t know”

Meet Zac Renault, a Zendesk customer advocate who provides French language support. He's an avid table tennis player and someone who isn't afraid to say, "I don't know" when he encounters a tricky customer issue.

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