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10 min read

What does a sales manager do? Complete career guide to skills, responsibilities, and success

A sales manager leads and supervises sales agents and runs the daily sales operations of a business. See the responsibilities and skills needed to succeed as a sales manager.

9 min read

How to write a sales plan: Types, template, and tips

A sales plan helps you outline sales strategies and goals, identify resources, and set a budget so you can pack your pipeline with high-quality leads.

16 min read

10 best sales management software for small businesses

The right sales CRM can help your team close more deals and boost your business.

11 min read

5 sales commission structures: Pros, cons, and how to choose the right one

Pick the right commission structure to keep sales agents motivated and improve your bottom line.

9 min read

Sales inspiration: A guide to motivating your agents

Is your team in need of sales inspiration? Here’s how to give sales agents the boost they need when faced with challenging situations.

13 min read

15 sales incentives that actually work

Motivating sales teams month after month is no easy task. Here are 15 ideas that’ll boost your team’s performance.

15 min read

84 motivational sales quotes to reignite your fire in 2023

Whether you need encouragement to meet your goals or comforting words after losing a deal, these inspirational sales quotes will do the trick.

11 min read

7 secrets of sales leadership

In this expert roundup, learn how to coach the best agents, streamline your sales process, and succeed in sales.

7 min read

Close deals faster with sales process automation

Learn how sales process automation helps teams be 52% more productive, convert 47% more leads, and generate 45% more referrals.

6 min read

Sales performance: Why it matters and what managers can do about it

Maybe you’ve heard it before: “People don’t quit their job; they quit their managers.” Bad managers…

16 min read

What is sales management? Definition, process, strategy, and tips.

Curious to know what sales management is all about? Here’s an end-to-end guide.

5 min read

Why you need sales process mapping to solve big-picture problems

Sales process mapping gives you a macro view of your sales strategy, so you can address and fix issues. Here’s how to use process mapping for your sales team.

Meet us at the top

Read the Zendesk Customer Experience Trends Report.

19 min read

5 powerful sales strategies, examples, and best practices

Here’s a five-step approach to creating a sales strategy that attracts, converts, and retains customers.

22 min read

Sales process fundamentals: The ultimate guide to closing more deals

Build a reliable and repeatable way for your team to consistently win deals.

8 min read

5-step sales process: How to build a sales process that closes deals faster

When you set off on a road trip, you have a vehicle and a road map.…

11 min read

A VP’s 4 tips to running a successful sales meeting

Research has shown that the majority of senior managers believe meetings are unproductive and inefficient. Our guide reveals how to run sales meetings that benefit you and your sales reps.

7 min read

6 top personality traits of a successful salesperson

What makes a good salesperson? Here are the personality traits you should look for when hiring your next rep.

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