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Great customer experiences require more than the right tools. It’s also about the people—your people.

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9 min read

What can you do if your boss is a psychopath?

Believe it or not, but you may have a corporate psychopath as a boss. Learn how…

6 min read

Begging the question, beating the straw man, and other non-sequitur nonsense

If you deal with customers, you will someday engage in customer arguments. Arguing, making your case,…

8 min read

Selfish or selective? 6 ways Millennials are changing charitable giving.

Many people think of Millennials as self-centered, selfie-snapping, uber-texting, uber-riding, narcissists. Even some Millennials share this…

6 min read

Inside a hotel room: tips for excellent customer service

Hospitality customer service is a niche that can help every industry. From retail to technology, these…

Make yourself heard

Join the Zendesk Experience Research Panel and help shape the future of our products.

8 min read

“Don’t react, respond” and other work conflict resolutions

Don't react, respond. Those are hard words to live by when you are in a conflict…

6 min read

Office politics: players gonna play and haters gonna hate

Every company has office politics. But some companies and some employees know how to use office…

15 min read

Working moms need a new F-word: flexibility

No matter the advancements we make in technology, workplace policies, and legislation, it can still be…

11 min read

There's a fresh dad in the cubicle near you

New moms usually get all the attention. Flowers, baby showers, and time off from work. But…

9 min read

Why you need a sister wife in the workplace

No matter where you are located, or what company you work for, a work sister wife…

10 min read

15 tips for working across time zones

Working across time zones can be tricky. Here are some tips to make it easier.

7 min read

Are you too old to pivot? Not when armed with a plan and a glue stick.

A vision board may be the right tool to help you plan your pivot—your move to…

9 min read

What comes next? How to overcome professional failure and career setbacks.

Overcome professional failure or a career setback by following these four tips.

8 min read

With eyes wide open, Generation Z looks to serve, share, and impact

As with every generation, Generation Z has unique qualities. But how is this new generation looking…

8 min read

10 ways to be a great customer and get great customer service

Being a great customer has lots of benefits, including great customer service. Here are some lessons…

7 min read

The value of hospitality, no matter what industry you're in

The value of hospitality can help your business by creating more loyal customers, no matter what…

8 min read

Empowering your team: kindness in customer service

Being nice plays a big part in customer service. So start empowering your teams to embark…

10 min read

8 steps to creating loyal, human, customer connections

What if someone told you there was a formula for generating repeat business? That, in just…

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