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3 min read

Simplified IT service management, part 4

I went through my years in IT support never knowing the difference between incidents and problems.…

1 min read

Customizing Zendesk Support: Best practices for UX

In Part 2 of our Customizing Your Zendesk series, we look at how some of our…

5 min read

Why customer service is so important to online shoppers

Most people think of shopping online as a way to cut costs. E-commerce stores relieve customers…

White Paper
12 min read

Protect Your IT Assets

The consequences of overlooking even a single security vulnerability can be severe. If a computer on…

1 min read

The History of Customer Support

There was a time when customer support meant you told a shop owner your issue with…

White Paper
12 min read

Matchmaking in the cloud: a perfect marriage of sales and support

This paper describes why integrations of best-of-breed tools in the cloud will outperform standard all-in-one platforms.…

1 min read

Self-service: do customers want to help themselves?

Studies of customer feedback tell us that more and more customers prefer self-service over contacting a…

White Paper
10 min read

One face of the brand customer support

Streamlining and improving the customer service experience has been proven to increase profits for retailers.1 Simply…

White Paper
5 min read

The Customer Service and Social Media Revolution

Customer service organizations face increasing amounts of pressure to deliver better service over a broader range…

Meet us at the top

Read the Zendesk Customer Experience Trends Report.

1 min read

To whom am I speaking?

79% of customers still prefer to use the phone when contacting customer service. To increase customer…

3 min read

The holiday satisfaction slump: keeping holiday customers happy

Holidays are hard on customer satisfaction. Last year, you might have noticed a slump in your…

2 min read

Improvements in search for more intelligent self-service

Recent studies tell us that more and more customers prefer self-service over contacting a support agent;…

Make yourself heard

Join the Zendesk Experience Research Panel and help shape the future of our products.

1 min read

Infographic: best in practice

Your reputation for providing quality customer service matters. In fact, as our latest infographic illustrates, the…

1 min read

S*** Support Agents Say

We know, we know: the S**** People Say meme is on its last leg. Who can…

1 min read

Take Zendesk on the Go with Windows Phone

You carry your phone everywhere, treat it like your pet and use it for nearly everything.…

3 min read

5 Ways to Prevent Customer Fallout

Originally published on The 1to1 Blog The real-time Web is an increasingly powerful tool for customers…

1 min read

Tip of the week: Showing who’ has been cc’'d in email notifications

Have you ever wished that you could allow end-users to see who’s been CC’d on a…

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